Objective of the Course:
This course focuses on the “criminality of the Privileged classes”. The definition of “Privileged classes in a society like India Should not post major problem at all the expression nearly includes wielders of all forms of state and social (including religious) power and deviant behavior. The traditional appmaches which highlight “white-collar offences” “Socioeconomic offences” or “Crimes of the powerful deal mainly with the deviance of economically resourceful. The dimension of deviance associated with bureaucracy. The new rich (nouveau riche). religious leaders and organization. Professional classes and the higher bourgeoisie are not fully captured here. In designing teaching material for this course, current development is deviance, as reflected in newspapers/journals. law reports and legislative proceeding should be highlighted. It should be stressed that the objectives of the course include:
(a) Dispelling of the commonly held belief that deviance crime is usually associated with the impoverished or improvident;
(b) Construction of model so understanding the reality of middle and upper middle-class deviance criminality in India.
(c) Critical analyses of legal system responses and
(d) Issues and dilemmas in penal and sentencing policies.
This syllabus prepared with the above objectives will be spread over a period of one year/one semester.
Additional information
Binding | Paperback |
Book author | PRIYA SEPAHA |
ISBN | 9.78939E+12 |
Publication | PUJA LAW HOUSE, INDORE |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
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